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Tag: electronic

Erasers - A Breeze

I'm rather enjoying the Bowery Electric vibes of this track from Australian-based electronic duo Erasers. A Breeze is taken from their forthcoming album Constant Connection.

Tune, 23 Mar 2022, 19:18

Had the new Softsssss EP from London’s Will Hofbauer on a few times recently and it's good. Left-of-centre, downbeat electronic music with a little Dub thrown in for good measure. Nice artwork too

Noted, 12 Dec 2021, 17:40

Jan Wagner + Answer Code Request - What's New

Taken from their debut EP YES I, a truly superb collaboration between two of my favourite producers, Jan Wagner and Answer Code Request, What's New is the highlight with its emotional chord sequence and uplifting vibe.

Tune, 17 Nov 2021, 10:49

Moktar - Silk

Tantalising taster from a new artist called Moktar. The Australian-based Egyptian is releasing a five-track EP on 15th of October called Moktar EP via Mall Grab's Steel City Dance Discs label. Punky in attitude as it struts along, the weird Middle Eastern sound, like a wind instrument, that creeps in around 1:30 makes it!

Noted, 12 Aug 2021, 17:22

Insidia - a brokntoys compilation showcasing some upcoming new talent

Noted, 06 Aug 2021, 09:29

The new Fame is an Addiction EP from 4T Thieves should satisfy any lingering Boards of Canada cravings you may hold. It's name your price too!

Noted, 01 Aug 2021, 14:37

Celebrating 20 releases with 20 tracks (19 from the archives and a brand new one from Zobol's forthcoming EP Ocean Acidification), this showcase from French label Nocta Numerica Records is well worth your time

Noted, 01 Jul 2021, 08:02

Chorusing - Watching the Beams

US artist Matthew O’Connell goes by the name Chorusing and Watching the Beams is a taster from his forthcoming album Half Mirror, out via Western Vinyl on 13th August. Ghostly dubby vocals float atop a syncopated electronic soundtrack. If the rest of the album is like this, we're onto a good 'un.

Tune, 09 Jun 2021, 16:03

Arcsec - Naiad

Naiad is another quality tune from the upcoming duo Arcsec - like a summer island breeze with a cut-up flute sample.

It's name your price too!

Tune, 14 May 2021, 09:23

King Ugly Delight - National Disaster

The perverse artist name may be tongue-in-cheek (or self-deprecating) and the label name Shite Music For Shite People doesn't soften the grisly effect, but the self-described "abrasive experimental punktronica" is unequivocally bang on. Check out the manic title track from the debut album National Disgrace.

Tune, 10 May 2021, 19:08

New EP from Ziur called Now Now out now on her own Smol label

Noted, 22 Jan 2021, 08:12

Arcsec - Crystals

Here's new London duo Arcsec and debut track Crystals, with flavours of Four Tet and Bicep.

Tune, 19 Jan 2021, 08:35

Pop 2020 - my fav electronic music

A mixtape-style showcase of the Pop-veering music I loved in 2020

Listen to the mix

Mix, 03 Jan 2021, 17:41

Ambient 2020 - my fav electronic music

2020's downtempo music that gave me refuge

Listen to the mix

Mix, 01 Jan 2021, 15:54


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