How to get your music reviewed on The Letter
Thanks for checking out The Letter. My name is Blair and I love electronic music, namely Techno, Electro, Ambient and Pop. If you'd like to send me music, please make sure it fits into that list somehow
Please don't send me music that's too mainstream or commercial... it brings me out in hives :-(
I respond well to human contact
The best way to get started is to hit me up on Twitter: my DMs are open. I'll give you my real email address and that guarantees I'll receive your promo material or Electronic Press Kit (EPK). Here's a useful link detailing what you need in your EPK.
Dos and Don'ts
Based on the How To Self Release guide: How To Send Music To Producers, Blogs & DJs I've cribbed together a summary of the key points pertinent to my own process. At this point let's assume you've been in touch via Twitter and you have my email address:
- Send your EPK (or appropriate details about your promo material) to my email address
- Make sure your music is available to stream as well as providing a digital copy to download
- Make sure the digital copy is no less than a 320kbps mp3 file. (And don't make me ask for a copy... 'cos I won't)
- Tag your music files properly following the ID3 standard
- Give me plenty of notice - I rarely want to hear about your new album the day before it comes out. Give me at least three or four weeks prior to release date to listen to and appreciate your efforts
- Don't hassle me if you've not heard back within a day or two. Give it a week or two
- If I like your music I'll get back in touch with you to tell you what I propose. Conversely, if you don’t hear back from me, then you can assume that your music was not for me, sorry
When in possession of my email address please don't automatically add it to your mass mailing list without my permission - everyone hates spam and inappropriate emails, and you don't want your email address flagged up as a spammer, then nobody will receive your emails!