INFERNVM by Vera Grace
Relentless pumping Techno
Relentless pumping Techno
On Tue 02 Jun 2020 we listened to: Rafael Anton Irisarri, Hodge, Axel Boman, RDG, Pantayo, Yamaneko, The Advent, The Higher Intelligence Agency, Yotam Avni, Baby T, Monolake, Minimal Violence, Hajj, Creep Woland, Commodo, Noun, Denite, iTAL tEK, Deathbed Convert, Paula Temple, Sleezy D, Ociya, Fluxion, IN VERRUF, Espinoza Espinoza, Ellen Allien, Naked, Martyn, Sänkt, Chase Smith, Asuna + Tomoyoshi Date + Federico Durand, Vivien Goldman, Binary Digit, IMYRMIND, SIGN LIBRA, Mooryc, Lamb and Bicep
A summary of the music I enjoyed in 2019
Dusty links, almost completely forgotten, lost in the PR onslaught
More hot cakes from the electronic music bakery
A bunch of new albums and EPs I've been digging... and you should too
Procrastination time!
A quick catch-up on things I missed while on holiday!
Little bits of news you may have overlooked
Tiny newsworthy nibbles from the last week or two
My fav mixes, compilations and podcasts from 2016
An hour of pummelling Techno to massage your brain
Music reviews on Techno, Electro, Ambient and Pop.
How to get your music reviewed
Check my Bandcamp profile to see what music I'm buying
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