Found Music
From all the other end-of-year-lists here's a few gems I found
Murman Tsuladze - la flemme de dans
Keeley Forsyth - Debris
Skeletal yet robust singer/songwriter collaborative compositions, minimal instrumentation, exposed.
Scalping - Deadlock
The sweet spot where Punk and Electronica breed. Appeared on Bleep's top 100 tracks of 2020.
Sault - Untitled (Black Is)
Everyone's fav album of 2020 (yeah no yeah?) definitely hit the spot for me with its emotive lyrics and great songwriting. I missed it when it came out but can understand how it resonated with BLM rising. I love the bit in Sorry Ain't Enough, around the 1:15 where the bassline comes in... oh yeah, that just kills me... and then they tease us again at 3:15 but leave us hanging. Still name your price atm.
Euphemia Rise
Belgian newcomer Wim Lankriet as Euphemia Rise with scuzzy-sounding, post-Rock Electronica, inspired by Syd Barrett.
dumama + kechou - buffering juju
A meeting of minds produces a delightful album of contemporary African songs with a political message.
KMRU - Peel
Kenyan artist Joseph Kamaru was ubiquitous in 2020, with his Ambient and Experimental tracks appearing on compilations all over the place (I know this because when he first appeared on my radar I searched my music library, and he was everywhere!) but it was his album Peel (released via Editions Mego) that drew the greatest attention, and rightly so, its long, drawn-out Ambient narratives wringing emotion from every nuanced sound.
Josey Rebelle - Josey In Space
Quality selector doing her stuff.
Sarah Davachi - Play The Ghost
From Davachi's album Cantus, Descant, Play The Ghost was, head-and-shoulders, the standout track, simply because of the fragile, haunting vocals. Nice album, beautiful track.