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Alex Smoke - Paradolia


Alex Smoke - Paradolia

Quite a surprise this album. Having only heard the odd track beforehand and not being too impressed, this has turned out to be a rather spectacular

Quite a surprise this album. Having only heard the odd track beforehand and not being too impressed, this has turned out to be a rather spectacular 73 minutes.

Alex Smoke (hailing from Glasgow ) produces what some strangely call 'techno' but I think this label could put people off. I prefer to use the terms challenging, melodic and satisfying.

There's quite a range of music types yet they all sit together so well. Tracks you must check out include:

  • Never Want To See You Again
  • Meany
  • Prima Materia
  • Anima

'Prima Materia' reminds me of Moondog and generally there's a nice Ellen Allien feel to the whole sound. Really great.



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