Forthcoming albums of note
Some albums coming in the next few weeks, from Alex Smoke, Roly Porter, Junior Boys, Stillhead, Tiga, nonkeen and Andrew Weatherall
Here's a quick heads-up about a few forthcoming albums which may be of interest. Scottish techno auteur Alex Smoke has a new album called Love Over Will, out on 22nd January via R&S. Roly Porter returns with with Third Law, his follow-up to the sublime Life Cycle of a Massive Star, out on 22nd January via Tri Angle. Iceberg, the debut album from Alex Cowles as Stillhead, is out on 29th January via Here And Now Recordings. Following the single Don't Break My Heart, Tiga will release a new album; still no date but will be out via Counter Records. nonkeen is a new project featuring Nils Frahm, teaming up with Frederic Gmeiner and Sebastian Singwald for The Gamble, out on 5th February via R&S. First album from Andrew Weatherall in years; Convenanza is out on 26th February via Rotters Golf Club. And finally, Junior Boys release their fifth album on 5th February; Big Black Coat is out via City Slang.