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Chromophobia by Gui Boratto


Chromophobia by Gui Boratto

Having been a big fan of Brazilian DJ Gui Boratto's minimal house remixing work for the last year or so I was very keen to get hold of this

Having been a big fan of Brazilian DJ Gui Boratto's minimal house remixing work for the last year or so I was very keen to get hold of this, his debut, album... and I'm happy to say it doesn't disappoint at all.

Clocking in at just over 70 minutes and 13 tracks, your attention never drifts away, even though it's pretty much all dreamy-sounding instrumentals, bar one track ('Beautiful Life') which, ironically is probably the best thing on the album.

The album opens with 'Scene' which at first sounds like something from a Boards of Canada album (and there's nothing wrong with that) and for the next couple of tracks the gentle melodies and textures build up and transform into the trance-like rhythms on "Terminal", "Gate 7" and "Shebang" before dropping off again into dreamy-floaty territory.

"The Blessing" rolls along with bubbly, head-nodding beats. Boards of Canada return on "Mala Strana" before some subtle guitar appears on on "Xilo". All very listenable and much recommended.

If you're quick, you may still catch this free download of 'Beautiful Life'.



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