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Top podcasts of 2009


Top podcasts of 2009

Here's a list of my favourite podcasts from 2009. For simplicity, I've ordered them by the number of listens but in general I'd say they are all very,

Apart from the Resident Advisor podcasts, I've linked to where you can download them (nb. the two Minus sets are direct links).

  1. Circlesquare - Flavour Mix
  2. Drums Of Death - Resident Advisor podcast
  3. Gareth Jones - Childlike Mix 150%
  4. Aeroplane - June Mix
  5. Max Cooper - At Zukunft, Brussels
  6. Ada - Influence Mixtape
  7. Louderbach - Resident Advisor podcast
  8. Click Box - Minus Connections
  9. Joy Orbison - DLDRMS001
  10. Rene Breitbarth - Resident Advisor podcast
  11. Joy Orbison - NPIP Mix
  12. Tiga - Clash DJ Mix
  13. Booka Shade - Resident Advisor podcast
  14. Exercise One - Kick Djs Mix (Allez-Allez)
  15. Fever Ray - Resident Advisor podcast
  16. Hobo - Minus Connections
  17. Ulrich Schnauss - A Strangely Isolated Place
  18. Ellen Allien - Resident Advisor podcast
  19. Shit Robot - Simply Shit Mix
  20. The Orb - Resident Advisor podcast
  21. Coma (Allez-Allez)

What was your favourite podcast this year? I'm sure I've missed a few belters... let me know.



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