Listening to...
On Sat 11 Jul 2020 we listened to: TMPLT, Gonzales, Lucia Luna, Nicolas Bougaïeff, Ascendant Vierge, ・ ・-・ ・- ・・・ ・ -・・, alan goldsher, junk-E-cat, Seb Wildblood, The Magnetic Fields, Emika, somewhen, Plastic Noise Experience, Ween, A Sagittariun, John Maus, TR/ST, Tiga, Sebadoh, Gui Boratto, Joker, Suzanne Vega, Foghorn, Röyksopp, PJ Harvey, Anthony Rother, Wings and Elliott Smith
The Verge by TMPLT
Gonzales Uber Alles by Gonzales
Hunting Midnight by Lucia Luna
The Upward Spiral by Nicolas Bougaïeff
Influenceur by Ascendant Vierge
- ・- ・--・ ・ ・・・ by ・ ・-・ ・- ・・・ ・ -・・
Soft Power by Gonzales
Glue by alan goldsher
Music Talks to Me by junk-E-cat
Foreign Parts by Seb Wildblood
69 Love Songs by The Magnetic Fields
Drei by Emika
SEKTION 1 by somewhen
Matrix Downloaded 001 by Plastic Noise Experience
Chocolate and Cheese by Ween
Dream Ritual by A Sagittariun
We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves by John Maus
The Destroyer - 1 by TR/ST
Sunglasses at Night Remixes Pt.1 by Tiga
Bubble And Scrape (2008 Re-Issue) by Sebadoh
III by Gui Boratto
The Mainframe by Joker
Suzanne Vega by Suzanne Vega
Corona by Foghorn
Melody AM by Röyksopp
Dry by PJ Harvey
popkiller by Anthony Rother
The Destroyer - 2 by TR/ST
Wings Greatest by Wings
XO by Elliott Smith